How long does it take to get rid of 50 things?
Every day is as good as the next if you are planning to let go of stuff, however, the holidays are fast approaching and, if you are like most people, you want your place to look great when company comes over, so …. Why don’t you get a head start and over the next few weeks get rid of some things you never use even though they clutter up your space?
Here is an example of 50 items that many people have in their homes which they don’t need.
Put on some fun music, open a bottle of wine and have fun purging!
- Wire hangers
- Old paint (Hazardous waste depot)
- Magazines
- Books you won’t read again
- Empty liquor bottles (beer store)
- Old blankets and bed sheets (animal shelter)
- Clothes you don’t look amazing in or can’t wear anymore
- An abundance of Halloween decorations (use real pumpkins instead and carve scary faces – great project and afterwards put them in your garden to naturally compost into fertilizer – no storage needed)
- Tons of holiday decorations (keep it simple)
- Wrapping paper you won’t use anymore
- Games with missing pieces
- Empty cardboard appliance or computer boxes
- Chargers for old phones or computers you don’t own anymore (special recycling)
- Art projects that were never finished
- Expired pantry and freezer items
- Socks that don’t have matches (why are they so many??)
- Stained or ripped clothes
- Extra buttons unless you sew
- Avocado slicers (nobody needs those)
- Movies you will never watch again
- Mugs with the logo of your previous employer
- Dog toys that were bought with the best of intentions but your dog couldn’t care less about (animal shelter)
- Expired medication and vitamins (return to pharmacy)
- Phone books (does anybody look a number up in a phone book any more?)
- Exotic spices that you bought for one particular dish but never used again
- Self-help books that didn’t help you
- Video cassettes
- Gifts that you never liked
- Exercise equipment that is collecting dust and – be honest – will never be used
- High-heel shoes that were such a good deal but are sooo uncomfortable
- Coupons that have expired
- Broken anything
- Loyalty cards (check carefully what the companies have to offer in their loyalty program and whether it makes sense to keep the cards)
- Old prescription glasses (Donate)
- Pens that don’t write anymore
- Expired cosmetics
- Bras that no longer do what they are supposed to (I’m afraid that’s garbage)
Flashlights that don’t work well
- Product samples that are collecting dust
- Plastic bags (please recycle and then buy cloth bags!)
- Hats that you should never have bought
- Plastic cutlery (you don’t live in an airplane)
- Earrings without matches
- Old travel guides
- Expired coupons
- Broken necklaces that won’t get fixed
- Wine you don’t like
- Dried out plants
- Floppy disks
- Dried flowers
Repeat with family and friends!
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