New Year – New Intention

And now let us welcome the New Year
Full of things that have never been
(Rainer Maria Rilke)
January is full of new beginnings. A fresh start. Hope. Aspirations. 365 days of brisk walks, 52 weeks of promise, 12 months of endless possibilities.
Set an intention. What word will move you forward in 2021? How would you like to be? Think of an intention word that resonates with you. Intention is clarity. The word will help you get clear how you would like to be these coming months.
When I think about a new start I think about simplicity, a sense of order, harmony. In a world that can sometimes be frightening and chaotic, a sense of order is more important than ever.
Close your eyes, think of your word and picture yourself in this coming year. What do you want to do differently or more of? What changes could bring you more peace, more happiness? Reflect and see what you can come up with. Have fun exploring!
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